Landscape Staples packaging by Meng Zhang

Segunda-feira, 15 de Março del 2021
GardenGloss® is an eco-minded start-up company providing quality gardening tools for their customers. Meng Zhang designed this packaging for landscape staples, a tool used  to hold down landscape fabric, to secure pipes, or to stabilize synthetic grass.

The packaging design for this product includes a reference to the different components that form a typical garden landscape: dots, lines and shapes. The amalgamation of 6 different patterns is intended to mimic the garden texture. The landscape staple, in its actual size, can be seen submerged into the pattern which illustrates the intended usage of the tool.  By combining different patterns together, infinite supporting graphics can be created for the packaging.

To contribute to a more sustainable environment, GardenGloss was seeking an environmentally friendly packaging design solution for one of their flagship products. Achieving 100% plastic-free packaging design became one of the design challenges. This was not only about the material or printing method chosen, but also the packaging look and feel. By screen printing on a 100% recyclable 2mm carton board, the packaging appears fresh, sharp, and modern, while delivering a professional and eco-friendly brand image to all its potential customers.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staples packaging.

Landscape Staple.

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