A design themed zine: ZINEZÖ

Quinta-feira, 25 de Fevereiro del 2021
ZINEZÖ is a design themed periodical zine of the Media & Design Department part of the  Visual Arts Institute of Eszterházy Károly University in Hungary designed by Erik Pál.

The zine includes articles about design translating them to Hungarian language for educational purposes. Its first issue, the ZINEZÖ 2020, has the format of an old newspaper and every article in the zine has a unique visual representing the article itself.

Zinezö zine cover.

Zinezö zine spread with hands illustration

Zinezö zine cover.

Stacked Zinezö zines.

Zinezö zine interior.

Zinezö zine article typographic print detail.

Zinezö zine article with shapes illustration.

Zinezö zine with hands illustrations.

Print details for the Zinezö zine.

Print details for the Zinezö zine.

Project by
Erik Pál

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