WIDZIADŁO, an Interactive book using Augmented Reality technology.

Segunda-feira, 01 de Março del 2021
WWIDZIADŁO is a student project by Patrycja Gorzela consisting of an interactive book that employs Augmented Reality ( AR ) technology to present basic knowledge about composition and visual perception in a more accessible way.

Patrycja based the book on quotes from Art and visual perception by Rudolf Arnheim and Signs and Symbols by Adrian Frutiger. Through her work, she created a collection of quotes, notes and simple illustrations enriched with AR technology allowing the reader to see the illustrations as they pop on the pages of the book.

WWIDZIADŁO book cover.

WWIDZIADŁO see-through cover.


WWIDZIADŁO AR animation.


WWIDZIADŁO spread with transparent overlays.

WWIDZIADŁO AR animation.

WWIDZIADŁO spread 02.


WWIDZIADŁO spread 03.

Project by
Patrycja Gorzela

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