Looom, a new animation app for iPad

Domingo, 05 de Julho del 2020
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Animation is a process that takes a lot of time and effort from a designer. Many applications have helped creative people make this process easier.

Eran Hilleli and Finn Ericson from Iorama have created a new app for iPad called Looom ( yes, three o's ) and by the looks of it, we really think it will open a new door for people interested in digital animation.

From their presskit:

Traditional animation is a tedious process that takes years to master and sadly computers and animation software have only raised that barrier. 

The app simplifies a lot of the animation options and allows you to draw frame by frame quickly. Each frame is added to a looping reel that converts your work in something very similar to an infinite looping GIF. The controls for adjusting colors, stroke width and opacities are integrated into the UI in a very intuitively manner.

Take a look for yourselves:

A couple of more GIFs created with Looom:
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image.gif 506.09 KB

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