Omaka, a sophisticated welcoming beer hub in Stockholm

Sexta-feira, 12 de Março del 2021
Omaka, a brewery and restaurant in central Stockholm whose branding was in charge of Stockholm Design Lab.

From their project's website:

A leisured and welcoming place, yet with a high level of sophistication when it comes to food and beverage.

The studio worked hand in hand with brewer Hedda Spendrup in the development and launch of a brand that functions as a hub for beer connoiseur locals and an innovation site for the entire Spendrup brewery group.

The starting point for the identity is graphic clarity and classic sophistication, paired with an expressive dynamism. This dualism is reflected in the choice of two contrasting fonts and two logos with completely different character and origin but interacting in a constant tug of war.

The design system is based on a repeatable basic structure consisting of separated fields forming a canvas for product differentiation and visual hierarchy in the various layouts.

Omaka beer packaging.

Omaka restaurant menu.

Omaka exterior signage.

Omaka stationery.

Omaka brews.

Omaka exterior and signage.

Omaka packed fridge.

Project by
Stockholm Design Lab

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