10 Tote Bags
Tote bags are an easy carryall for many daily use items. They also serve as a flexible marketing tool that helps you maximize brand awareness.
Branded Packaging Duct Tape
Consistency is one of those elements that must be present along the branding spectrum.
Metallic Foil Packaging
Metallic foil packaging collection for very different products by agencies from around the world.
Interims Audimax: When restrictions don't limit an incredible project.
Interims Audimax is a temporary auditorium designed by the firm: Deubzer König + Rimmel Architects for the Technical University of Munich in Germany.
architecture projects on a budget interims audimax Deubzer König + Rimmel Architects
Changing our way of thinking about Neon Packaging
Neon color palettes on packaging, used to be associated with cheap products or products made to catch the attention of young teenagers but that is a thing from the past.
As above, so below
“As Above” is an invitation to contemplate the beauty of this perpetual movement of which we are part of... And perhaps invite the viewer to reflect on his position in the universe and the preciosity of life.