Adufe by 327 Creative Studio

Wednesday, January 06, 2021
The Adufe is a quadrangular tambourine used mainly in the center-east part of Portugal and performed exclusively by women. The instrument, which is part of a great cultural legacy, is built with 2 animal skin membranes, one of which comes from a male animal and the other from a female animal. This diversity contributes to the harmony attributed to the sound of the instrument.

This brand, Adufe, was developed for a Beira Baixa area wine company that creates wines using modern winemaking techniques and employs blends of Touring Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Syrah with light aging in French Oak.

For 327 Creative Studio, all this context was very important to create an illustration with the instrument and the delicacy of female hands. The selection of two colors originated from the presence of the membranes of both animal sexes in the Adufe and the combination of hard materials and typographic accents allowed to obtain a balance between the tradition of the Adufe and a contemporary aesthetic for this wine brand.

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